Göteborg, 29 augusti 2015 Mina arbeten blir till i situationer. De är föranledda av någon erfarenhet och känsla och artikulerar sig prövande på minst tre språk. Jag förstår dem som gester. Jag dröjer vid företeelser i livet som blir synliga och namngivna i gränssnitten mellan text och fotografi och psykoanalys – gör tablåer av ansamlade ord, objekt och bilder – collage efter mina insisterande associationer. Den gemensamma nämnaren är språk. Anja Linnea Hellström
”What characterizes gesture is that in it nothing is being produced or acted, but rather something is being endured and supported. The gesture, in other words, opens the sphere of ethos as the more proper sphere of that which is human.” Notes on Gesture, 1992, Giorgio Agamben
Gothenburg, 7 September, 2015 My works materialise in situations. They are caused by some experience and emotion and articulate tentatively in at least three languages. I understand them as gestures. I linger at phenomena in life that become visible and recieve a name in the intersections of text, photography and psychoanalysis – making tableaus of words, objects and images – collages made accordingly with my insisting associations. The common denominator is language. Anja Linnea Hellström
”What characterizes gesture is that in it nothing is being produced or acted, but rather something is being endured and supported. The gesture, in other words, opens the sphere of ethos as the more proper sphere of that which is human.” Notes on Gesture, 1992, Giorgio Agamben
Göteborg am 7 September 2015 Meine Arbeiten entstehen in Situationen. Sie sind durch Erfahrungen und Gefühle hervorgerufen worden und versuchen sich in mindestens drei Sprachen zu artikulieren. Ich verstehe sie als Gesten. Ich verweile bei Phänomenen im Leben, die zu sehen sind und die einen Namen bekommen können, an den Schnittstellen zwischen Text, Fotografie und Psychoanalyse – ich baue Tafeln mit gesammelten Worten, Objekten und Bildern – bilde Collagen nach meinen insistierenden Assoziationen. Der gemeinsame Nenner ist Sprache. Anja Linnea Hellström
”What characterizes gesture is that in it nothing is being produced or acted, but rather something is being endured and supported. The gesture, in other words, opens the sphere of ethos as the more proper sphere of that which is human.” Notes on Gesture, 1992, Giorgio Agamben